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Meet Identity Verification Compliance and Streamline Customer Onboarding

Meet Identity Verification Compliance and Streamline Customer Onboarding

With Identity theft at an all-time high, businesses globally are being asked to take new measures that prevent fraud and protect customers. New Zealand has some of the highest levels of Anti-Money Laundering regulations, which is great for customers, but tough for those that are obligated to implement and manage the processes.

Issues include:

  • Clunky processes that create comms overheads, and painstaking record-keeping

  • Interruptions to the onboarding process that slow down business

  • Cumbersome processes that new customers don’t like, and can lead to lost business

  • Poor security of personal documents, which are often stored in email or shared drives

  • Separate tools that create manual overhead and data inconsistencies

Creating a streamlined process that addresses all these issues can be expensive, but thanks to HubSpot’s ever-growing App Marketplace a solution is finally available!


Introducing IdentityCheck

First and foremost, IdentityCheck is by far the simplest solution to use that’s available on the market. Let’s run through how it works…


Step 1: Start KYC

Once installed, you get a new field called “KYC Command” in HubSpot Contacts. You can trigger this manually or automatically.


Step 2: Customer verifies their identity

The customer receives an email containing a unique link to verify their identity. The link opens a guided web app experience on their smartphone. The user is shown how to submit an image of the photo ID (such as Driver’s Licence or Passport), and a selfie.

The system accepts over 10,000 document types from over 200 countries.


Step 3: The result is verified and recorded in HubSpot

IdentityCheck biometrically matches the selfie and document scanned using AI. Additionally, the document is checked for signs of tampering or fakeness, and the selfie is checked for signs of liveness, helping to prevent the system from being tricked.

The outcome is posted in HubSpot, with a link to a secure server where the original images are hosted.


Benefits of the approach

Financial Services Professionals love the simple approach and integration with HubSpot.

“Super easy to use, integrates well with CRM systems (ie HubSpot) and provides Proof of Identity verification without the painful process of notarizing documents” - Kent Pierce, Investment Banker.

Although relatively new, the app has already been installed over 40 times and received 5* ratings.

Additional benefits include:

  • Frictionless - customers have zero data entry, takes 30 seconds

  • Secure - document storage in secure vault in separate platform

  • Automated - Zero manual effort with HubSpot workflows

  • Auditable - contemporaneous notes kept within HubSpot

  • Global - supports NZ and overseas documents at scale

  • Affordable - first 3 checks are free, then PAYG from US$30 / month


HubSpot continues to provide an impressive App Ecosystem that meets increasing depths of requirements for Accountants. If you want to see IdentityCheck for yourself, learn more by trying it for yourself.

We’ll continue to bring you the latest news and tips for how to make the most of HubSpot in ways that deliver real business value.

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